10 things to be happy about

Hello Lovelies!

 I'm back (again...oops). Despite having every intention of keeping to a weekly schedule, and ideas of increasing my posts to twice a week in my horrifically long summer, with uni exams; moving back home for the summer; sorting out my house for second year and tonnes of -unsuccessful- job hunting, I haven't really had the time or the motivation to continue planning or writing any blog posts. However, I'm feeling a little bit more motivated and I feel like I should put all of my effort into something that I really am passionate about for the last few weeks of my summer, rather than continuing to look for a crappy part-time job for the last 6 weeks of living at home before I move back to Bath. Everyone gets a bit low at times, and it has been a particularly difficult summer for me as I have felt very lonely, bing the only one out of my friends at home to not get a job. However, I have created this list of 10 things to be happy about, ranging from hugely important things to tiny details. Hopefully these things make you happy too.

  1. Dogs. Just dogs. That is all.
  2. Baths. Whether you like bubbles; hate bubbles; use bath bombs or just lay in the warm water, baths will never stop making me happy.
  3. Lighting a candle for the very first time. They always smell good, but nothing is more satisfying than lighting the wick of a candle for the very first time.
  4. Fresh bedding. Nothing beats clean sheets. NOTHING.
  5. Having an amazing boyfriend/ group of friends. Remind them of how special they are to you. It will make their day.
  6. The scent of freshly cut grass. It literally smells delicious.
  7. The sun. I don't believe people who say that they dislike the sun. How can you hate the sun? Everything is better when the sun is out.
  8. Family. Don't take your family for granted. They may be annoying and get under your skin at times, but they love you and are always there for you.
  9. The smell of books. I don't know why they smell so nice but they really do. Especially old books.
  10. Being healthy. This is something that young people tend to take for granted, but we need to stop. We should be so grateful for our lives, as many people are not as fortunate as us to live long, healthy lives.
I know this is a short post but I just want to make sure that every one of you is feeling positive and happy. I hope you can relate to this list of things that make me happy.

I hope you enjoyed this post.

With love,
Chloe x

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