19 Things I wish I'd learnt before I turned 19

Happy International Women's Day everyone! Here's to being a #GirlBoss (and a #BoyBoss too!!) Lots of love to everybody!!! I have been 19 for just over 2 months now, so here are a list of 19 things I wish I'd learnt before I turned 19!

one)How to solve a Rubik's Cube.
two)That you shouldn't mix different alcohols on a night out.
three)How to play the guitar.
four)How to drive on the motorway.
five)How to speak a foreign language.
six)That weight doesn't matter as long as you are healthy.
seven)That it's ok to remove toxic people from your life.
eight)That saving money is really really important and you should have started years ago. That top from Top Shop that you just HAD to have last summer that you've only worn once does feel like a waste of money now doesn't it?!
nine)That your family are the most important people ever.
ten)That some people will let you down, but some people won't. Don't be a doormat, but don't look for the bad in everybody.
eleven)That you can't plan everything in life. Some things will surprise you and that is ok. Surprises are good.
twelve)That you should do what makes you happy (within reason.)
thirteen)How to change a car tyre. (You know, just in case)
fourteen)How to set up and pay bills.
fifteen)How to pay money in to a bank account.
sixteen)That you don't know everything and that is ok.
seventeen)How to keep my bedroom tidy for more that 24 hours.
eighteen)That believing in yourself is key.
nineteen)That life is wonderful and you should enjoy it as much as you can!

I hope you liked this post. Sorry it's a day late. I wish I could tell you that I was super busy and just didn't have time to fit it in. But that would be a lie. I just forgot. Sorry!!

With love,
Chloe x

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