What I'm looking forward to in 2021

 Hey lovelies,

On Monday, Boris gave us the news I feel like we've all been waiting for - a plan to get us out of this Coronavirus mess. I know it's not set in stone and that the roadmap will go on 'data not dates', but I am SO grateful that we have a timeframe and an 'end date' to look forward to - even if it does change slightly along the way. I have been trying so hard to stay positive throughout this but I have definitely been struggling, so it is so relieving to have a bit of positive news for once and I am counting down the days. Here are 5 things that I am looking forward to in 2021, now that we have a timeline of when we can expect to do things again.

#1: Hugging family and friends again

I cannot wait to be able to hug my cousins and friends and Sam without effectively having broken the law! It's these things that you never realised how much you would miss until they were taken away from you, and now I cannot wait to be able to give ALL THE HUGS to my family. I've missed them all so much.

#2: Pints and pals in pub gardens

I am so looking forward to when I can meet up with more than one friend and actually socialise, rather than exercise. Just think - the sun will be shining, the pub garden will be buzzing with people, some tunes will be playing and you will be laughing in person with a group of your nearest and dearest, cold pint/glass of wine/cocktail in hand. I can almost taste the gin already!

#3: Having people over to mine and Sam's house

Sam and I have been looking around different properties to rent for the last few weeks and I am suuuper hopeful that we will be able to have people over for BBQs and to stay in a place that we actually live together! Fingers crossed we are able to rent a place we love in time for a few of the restrictions to be eased!

#4: Having in-person work meetings

I know this seems like a bit of a strange one in comparison to the others, but because I started my new job in August and was only in the office for a few weeks before the Work from Home order was brought back in, I have had hardly any face-to-face work meetings. Teams meetings are fine but it's so much easier to get involved in large meetings when there isn't such a thing as "Teams etiquette" that you have to follow. I feel like I will be so much more involved in meetings when I don't have to un-mute myself to say things! Nothing beats discussing business plans and ideas in-person.

#5: Getting back to the gym

Over the past 9 months or so I have been on a bit of a fitness journey, and I am really pleased with my progress, especially over the last month while we have been in yet another lockdown. My personal trainer has been offering outdoor PT sessions, but having to work out at 7pm outside in the dark and cold isn't the most desirable or motivational thing! I cannot wait until the gyms are open again and I can continue my journey properly.

What are you most looking forward to? Fingers crossed Boris's roadmap can go ahead as planned and we can start doing all these things safely again soon!

With love, Chloe x

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