Seventeen Goals for Twenty Seventeen

So we are firmly rooted in the first moth of 2017 now, I can't believe 2016 is finally over. I had a good 2016, despite the seemingly endless amount of celebrity deaths and political mistakes-Sam and I went on 3 amazing holidays together and celebrated our 1 year anniversary, I passed my A Level exams and got into university, I started university and I celebrated my 19th birthday right at the very end of it all (NYE). Despite having a pretty good year last year, I want to set myself a list of 17 goals for 2017 in order to make this year as good as, and maybe even better than, last year. So here we go:

one) Get a job- Sam and I are discussing more holiday possibilities for summer 2017 and in order to afford these I need to get a part time job to do alongside my studies and blogging.

two) Pass my first year of university with a good grade- I'm hoping for at least a 2:1 but let's see.

three) Lose weight and get fit- This is on my list of goals every year but this year, with the help of my university flat mate Ellie and her forceful ways of making me run once a week, I am determined to lose weight and get toned.

four) Drink more water- I don't drink enough, especially enough water. Again Ellie will probably help me with this one.

five) Finally drive on the motorway- I passed my driving test in September 2015 and am still yet to drive on the motorway.

six) Get better at this whole blogging thing- I was rubbish at posting regularly despite it being a real passion of mine, and expand my blog to beauty and fashion as well as 'lifestyle' and ramblings.

seven) Stop procrastinating (as much)- I think everyone could do with this.

eight) Read more for fun- if I ever get the time alongside all my reading for university, I don't read enough for fun anymore.

nine) Write more- Blog posts, stories, diary entries, letters.. whatever it is, I am determined to get out my creative flow.

ten) Save money- When I live in a house next year rather than in university accommodation i will have bills bills bills, and I can't rely on my parents forever.

eleven) Appreciate what I have more- I am very lucky to have the people and things around me that I have and I shouldn't take that for granted.

twelve) Smile more- Sam always tells me that I don't smile enough. Also I don't want to get wrinkles.

thirteen) Celebrate my 2 year anniversary with Sam- This one will be easy, but it's still a goal of mine.

fourteen) Spend more quality time with my sister- She's growing up now, she'll be 11 this year and hopefully she will start liking me more.

fifteen) Sleep more- Or at least try to.

sixteen) Drink less fizzy drinks, especially coke- I drink far too much coke which is bad for my teeth and my health.

seventeen) Be happy- Take every day as it comes and just roll with it.

That's it then, my 17 goals for 2017. Hopefully I will return to this post at the end of the year and see how well I've done with all of these. Good luck me, and good luck to all of you who have made New Years Resolutions or goals for this year, I'm sure we will kick ass!

With Love
Chloe x

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